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Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

April 15, 2008

Wicked Me!

hey korang!!..heheh..lama btul xupdate blog kan..rasenye sebulan skali je kot la dpt update..not that i'm bz ker apa but..for the zillion times..i haven't got my own PC yet!! urghhh..nk wat camane kan..aku cuma serangga..huhuhuuu..

so, got my chance today..n got a story to tell..hihihiiii..

last friday, nite. we got this invitation from my hubby's previous company to a BBQ party (kind of his farewell party la) at a friend's house. so, as the VIP (mesti la VIP kan,sbb nk celeb his resignation kan..heheh)..so we went there lpas isyak with hadif..sampai je sana ..laaa, xstart apepun lg..diorang br nk start bakar arang, stuffs yg nk di BBQ pun br sampai..nasib baik dh siap marinade sume..kalu x aku balik je..heheh

so, aku n hadif stay inside the house..avoiding the smoky area outside..mingling with other wives,mothers, and hadif got few friends around his age..bla..bla..bla..dh kul 10pm..hadif's bedtime..die pun nampak cam dh letih n ngantuk..so, aku pun tumpangla mandi (sket je) n change him into his night suit..dah wangi2 ni..dah mandi, dah siap mkn sume tggal nk tepuk2 sket die tido la..but then, as other toddler n babies keep running n crawling around him..xde manenye die nk tido la kan..ok la, fine..tanak tido sudah..but i keep watching him not to mess around too much. nnt peluh2, satu hal plak aku nk kene tukar bj die lg..

as i chatting n eating while watching hadif..there's this wife of my husband's friend sitting in front of me..actually die br lpas confinement..got a baby boy. so,baby die br 2 mths kan so tuan umah pun offer la bilik to put the new born in. let's call her Yati..tgh mkn2, tiba2 hadif jalan2 around aunt yati yg tgh mkn time tu..aunt yati ni pun dgn tanpa usul periksa, tanpa menanya kat aku maknye si hadif yg duduk xsampai 2meter dr tpt die tu,trus je menyuapkan ayam BBQ kat hadif..not a pinch, not minced..but about a 2cm chunk of BBQed chicken into his mouth..hadif pun apalagi..nganga je la kan..dlm hati aku dah tau. jap lg mesti tercekik anak aku ni..sbb hadif mmg slalu tercekik kalu mkn ayam even ayam cincang dlm bubur die pun..what, he only got 8 teeths..kat dpan je pulak tu..mana die ada geraham nk kunyah those BBQed chicken yg besar 1 chunk camtu..

xsampai 3minit..hadif tercekik..dah la sblm tu aku dh siap2 feed his dinner n a bottle of milk..konpem la sume kuar balik..hadif tercekik2 n then muntah!..habisla kuar sume mknan2 yg penat aku suapkan kat die before this..aku yg panik (maklumla umah org kan)..cpat2 angkat hadif to the sink in the kitchen..so, along the way tu merata2 la muntah hadif..tau je la kan, budak muntah susu..bau masamla 1 umah..aku pelagi, start la sumpah seranah kat this aunt Yati..tp dlm hati je la kan..malu aku tau! xreti2 ke nk tanya dulu kat aku, hadif's mom..whether he can eat the chicken or not before suka2 hati sumbat mulut anak aku tu ngan ayam?helloooo!!! (panas ati ni)

while kat sink tu, sume tanya..hadif kenapa?nape muntah?..n aku dgn penuh cover jawab..'yati tu suap die ayam td'..org lain tanya..aku jwb,'yati bg die ayam td..die xleh mkn ayam lg.tercekik'...begitula jawapan aku kat sume org yg tanye..hahahah..peduli ape aku..biar org tau die yg wat hadif muntah merata kat umah org..malu btul!terpaksa la aku muka tebal minta maaf kat tuan umah..dah la akak tu baik,die ckp xpe2 je..tp aku usaha gak la lap sume muntah tu..blk tu pun SMS lg mintak maaf kat die..sorry ye kak rose!

n u guys tau x?..this yati td wat muka xbersalah je..selamba badak je muka die..mentang2 la anak ko aman damai tido dlm bilik, anak aku ko suka2 bg mkn ayam WITHOUT CONSULTING ME..hishh, sian baby die yg br 2bln tu pun aku nk marah kan..heheh..mmg sgt marah..at least tanya la kan hadif kenapa ke, die xleh mkn ayam yg die suap tu ke, sejukla sket kan hati aku..ni ngan muka selamba xbersalah cam xde pape berlaku..hangen la aku..padan muka ko aku dh canang nama ko kat sume guests that u r to blame for hadif's puking around people's house..

n guess what?...her name IS yati!! hehehe..

wicked me...=)


newrin said...

perghhhh kalo aku laki la selamba jer aku sound ditambah dgn muka sombong sekali aku kasi...cian hadif, nasib xder apa2

kesian anak dia nnt sure dia main sumbat jer makanan...

nway ko ni lama giler senyap... take care k

nurul nadiah said...

hahah..nasib la anak die nnt.ntah burger, pizza ngan sambal belacan pun die suap agaknye..heheh

tu la..lama xchat ngan ko kan..rindu maaa..ko still kat sarawak ke? kem salam kat umah yam ye..=p

zizandagreat... said...

erm...xbaik camtu..sedangkan nabi maafkan umat..g solat taubat skang..tunjuk contoh yg baik pada muhammad hadif yer...