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Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

May 08, 2009

dup dap..dup dap..

i'm already in my 38weeks of pregnancy..still, the countdown rolling, the clock ticking, the anxiety peaking (ade ke perkataan nih?ekekekek)..n the dup dap feeling..perghh..it all mixed up! heheh..kdg2 rasa cam mengada pon ade gak..yela, mcmla ni br 1st time nk bsalin but still..helloo..people don't get pregnant every month ye..we carry this baby for almost 10 months (40 weeks kan..), deliver, pantang etc...paling2 pon setaun la br life n figure back to normal (tu pun 'if' back to normal)..heheh..sometimes aku rasa, nk bsalin kali yg ke berapa pun the feelings will never be the same..in fact, rasanya ibu2 yg dh penah deliver lg tinggi rasa takutnye 'cos she already knew what will happen during delivery..tetambah lak kalu dulu ada complication, trauma n unexpected thingy happened kan..uii..seram2..;p

still..to this date, i'm still waiting (patience..patience..) for my insyaAllah next hero to show up..heheh..contractions are getting more frequent, sakit perut is almost everyday..(hari2 pun nk uuk..ekekekek) ..lost 300g during my last check up (which is normal), baby is still kicking here n there tp die dh xleh nk kuntau lelebih la..'cos mommy's tummy dah full..heheh padan muka! kalu x memacam aksi akrobatik adik ni buat tau..hihiii..physically, kalu tgk perut ni org kata dh turun (means xlama lg la tu..), n the docs said that the baby's head is already in his way..no more comfortable nite sleeps for mommy last few days (or weeks maybe!)..my can't-remember-crap pon seems to get worse..(left my handbag at pizzahut 1 time, left my handphone in lab yesterday) ..hmmph..kdg2 wish nk deliver cpat2 je..xsabar btul nk meet n hug this lil' baby but still..the phobia is there..air selusuh sume dh ready (thanx to my dear abg=)), bagpack nk rush g hospital pun dh siap..oh ya, i hv to deliver at GH, Sultanah Aminah Hospital this time due to my case last delivery. harap2 sume selamat..smooth n painless too..hihii..

so, tis is me with 38weeks tummy..(muka malu la nk tunjuk..ekekekek)

hehe..rasanya ni je kot pics yg ada amik during this pregnancy..kecik je kan perut i? ..heheh..i mengandung 2-2 kali perut je yg naik, yg lain maintain je..siap ada students ngorat lg masa 6mths preggy dulu..*riak..riak* ..ekekekek..;p

so..what we do now ..we'll wait je ok..nway, congrats to my friend, ct sarah yg br je deliver a 2.7kg baby boy last friday..1st baby n guess what? die pon deliver at 38weeks..hehehe..manala tau kan, tgk2 ptg ni ke, mlm ni ke, lg 8 ari ke..my turn plak..:D