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Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

January 01, 2008

ohh..dah 2008?


xsangka dah 2008 kan..another year comes, another year gone, another year added to ur age (it's increasing of course!..heheh)..my 1st plan tis new year is to dispose all medicines which are flooding my freezer!..mostly they belong to muhammad hadif la..menyemak je..aku nk simpan yg penting2 je..yg lain, boleh blah!..bila la tu nk buat ye? heheh..xpe, nnt aku buatla..nk labelkan skali ngan taun..coz selama ni aku dh konpius, ntah dr taun bila ntah dh jd archive dlm fridge tuh..uhh, sgt malas..heheh..i want to be a more organized person tis new year..(yeke?)..heheh =)

no celebration for tis year..ngantuk la..program TV pon ntah hape2..channel singapore pon bosan gile..lpas layan Heroes, baik ku tido saje ngan hadif..ayah pun blk lmbt mlm td..padan muka mkn sorang2..(isteri yg kejam..heheh)..xterasa pun dh new year..tukar tarikh je..btul kan?..azam ku taun ni kalu leh nk menaikkan gaji..hahah..which means kalu ada peluang nk try apply for a higher position..nk ke tahap lecturer tu xla kot..pk2 nk blaja blk tuu..perghh..malas gile!..prosedur byk sgt..macam2..malas layan..heheh..mgkin i'll just wait for another vacancy..then apply la pape pegawai ke, hape ke..asalkan gaji naik..hahah..mata duitan btul! ;p

yg best tis new year..yg kami tggu2..hadif will turn 1 year old on tis 10 jan 08!..kejap je rasanya si kecik tu dh setaun..badan die pun kecik je..gigi 4 btg, 2 atas,2 bwh..br blaja berdiri sendiri, boleh diri tanpa sokongan for about..hmm..4-5seconds? heheh..xpe dif, no pressure..suka ati ko la nk jln bila..jgn lmbt sgt sudah..xsabar mommy nk belikan kasut jalan utk idif ni..hihihiii..10 jan ni awal muharam tau..1 malaysia cuti sempena hari keputeraan muhammad hadif..hahah..jobo la plak..(tau ke jobo tu ape?..caik dlm kamus n9) =D

new life for us jugak tis 2008..abang dpt KPLI..so, he'll hv to study again..kursus KPLI ni setaun je..6mths kene attend lectures, another 6 mths kene praktikum..praktikum ni kene ngajar kat skolah laa..my hubby is going to be a Science teacher..hohoho..cam kelakar plak..aku dulu mintak KPLI ni 3-4 kali xpenah dpt, die mintak dpt lak..rezeki muhammad hadif la tu..fortunately dpt kat maktab JB je..ok la kan..suppose sume students kene duk hostel, tp dh tanye2 boleh duk luar except time orientasi je kene stay hostel a week..no visitors, no outings..whoa..cm kt jail plak kan..heheh..i think tis year we'll be suffering a bit la..allowance sket..luckily aku dh keje..pheww!!kalu x mkn pasir la kami..heheh..suffer tu means no more travelling, no new gadgets, no mkn luar (masak kt umah je!huhuu..)..hmm,senang cite kene jimat cermat la..boleh ke?insyaAllah..kami akan berusaha demi masa depan yg lebih cerah..heheh..

whatever it is, happy new year to all of ya!
may 2008 will bring you more cash in, more happiness in and more whatever-u-wish-for in..heheh =)

1 comment:

newrin said...

happy new year to u, boyan n hadif :)

moga tahun baru ni akan lebih bermakna utk ko, lebih byk duit, lebih byk boleh shopping and lebih byk gembira

wahhh xlama lg boyan jd cikgu la erk, ko merasa la tolong dia semak kertas exam student